Folio Magazine's MediaMaship Conference

I will be reporting from Folio Magazine’s MediaMashup conference in New York April 16. This conference addresses the issue of the merging world of print and digital editorial and advertising.

Several sessions seem to be of particular interest to magazine editors and publishers:

* Creating Digital First Journalism. Veteran journalists/editors will describe how content creation for the digital space is different from print.

* Why an App Magazine should be Different from Its Print Cousin. How do you translate your print magazine into an app version?

* How print magazine web sites can build audience by creating networks of like-minded sites. Websites addressing audiences along the horizontal and vertical planes can draw more visitors to a magazine’s main site.

* Blending Content and E-Commerce. I anticipate this will be a controversial (for some of us attendees) session on how commercial considerations are driving editorial decisions in many more venues today.

Details are available here:

If a particular topics catch your eye do let me know and I will send you a report. Receive all conference tweets by filtering for #MediaMashup.

– Phil
Phillip M. Perry
Voice: (212) 274-8694 
Twitter @PerryWriter